


作者: 来源: 发布时间:2020-12-28 13:14:44 点击:3133

书法家杜伟  ,男,1970出生,字航宇,号海纳川,祖籍河南,八岁在母亲的熏陶下逐步对书法产生了浓厚的兴趣,多年来始终以“字如其人,脚踏实地″为训,孜孜不倦,笔耕不辍,习书四十余年,广临古今名家书的帖,汲取前人之精华,师古而不拟古,遂渐形成了虚实相间、奇正相生、苍劲有力、拙朴大气、厚重有力、笔走龙蛇、妙笔生花、寓意丰富的书法艺术风格 。


Calligrapher Du Wei Born in Henan, born in 1970, born in, the eight year old man, who was born at the age of eight, had a strong interest in calligraphy. He had been training for years, with his words like his people, his feet on the ground, and worked diligently and continuously. He had been studying books for more than forty years, and had been widely used in ancient and modern books. He learned from the essence of his predecessors and taught ancient but not archaic. The artistic style of calligraphy is characterized by the combination of Qi and Zheng, vigorous strength, simple atmosphere, thick and powerful, strong strokes, wonderful strokes and flowers, and rich artistic style of calligraphy.










书法代表作品"福" 、″寿" 、"海纳百川"、″马到成功″、″天道酬勤"、″难得糊涂"、家和万事兴”等先后被国家领导人、将军、司令等政界、商界、明星、广大群众以及世界多国华人、友人的收藏,多次被国家级新闻媒体报道。


Mr. Du Wei was rated as vice chairman of China public welfare Calligraphers' Association, vice president of China Calligraphers' Association, member of Chinese Calligraphers' Association, member of Calligraphers' Association of central government organs, member of painting and Calligraphy Institute of "ink and painting column group" of China education television station, consultant of China people's art network, top 100 calligraphers and painters most popular in China, leader of Chinese calligraphy and painting, and top 100 contemporary Chinese artists Famous calligraphers and painters, the most influential calligraphers and painters in China's new era, leading figures of calligraphy and painting in China's new era, Chinese soul calligraphers, Chinese Calligraphers with double virtues and arts, outstanding Chinese artists, Chinese meritorious calligraphers, calligraphers specially invited by CCTV, and calligraphy artists with more collection value in China.


The representative works of calligraphy, such as "Fu", "Shou", "Haina Baichuan", "Ma Chenggong", "Tiandao jiaoqin", "difficult to get confused", and "home and everything" have been collected by state leaders, generals, commanders and other political, business, stars, the masses, as well as Chinese and friends from many countries in the world, and has been reported by national news media for many times.





















In view of Mr. Du Wei's artistic attainments, in recent years, he has been promoted in large-scale auctions at home and abroad, and is praised as the calligrapher with the most market investment potential by the mass media.


In June 2016, it was reported by the State Council news media that "top 100 calligraphers and painters are most popular in the market".


On December 20, 2017, Mr. Du Wei was invited by CCTV to participate in the 2018 International Chinese public welfare ceremony held in Beijing, won the "Chinese calligraphy and painting communication Award", and was interviewed by CCTV's "smart China program group".


In May 2018, he won the "Gold Award for the culture of the great wall of China". The representative works of calligraphy "Fu" and "sea embracing all rivers" were carved on the Great Wall (xibazisection) with the approval of the State Council.


Calligrapher reported by "globalheadlines, global art" in March 2019.


It was reported by "China News Network" on August 1, 2019.


In September 2020, Mr. Du Wei's representative works of calligraphy, such as "Fu, Shou, Ma Zhigong, Haina Baichuan, Tiandao jiaoqin, hard to get confused, and the best as good as water", were examined and evaluated by the professional evaluation committee of the Chinese calligraphy and painting art appraisalcenter (Ministry of culture and tourism of the people's Republic of China). According to the assessment results of artists and their contributions to the dissemination of Chinese calligraphy and painting culture, the art Runge value evaluation is now conducted Fixed as: 180000 yuan per square foot.


In December 2020, it was featured in the UN daily news.






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